Living through an American Recession

Dealing with never ending life changes. Who says making lemonade is the best thing to do with those lemons life throws at you?

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Thanks for sticking up for, us?

I remember a day at the spa when a woman came in for a massage. She whispered to the owner that she didn't want a black therapist. As I looked at the older, white woman I couldn't help wonder what her reasoning was behind such non sence.Then I looked at the owner to see what his response would be. He graciously moved her appointment from the black therapist to the white therapist. Oh by the way, this happend in 2011!

Being professional I said nothing at that moment. As the lady made her way down the hall into her massage I had a word with the owner. His defense was that he will "do anything to accomodate a client and avoid loosing business." Huh...

"Causing the therapist to loose her commission, tip and possibly a future client is ok?" I responded.

As I continued to tell the owner how displeased I was with his catering to such disciminitory behavior and not standing behind the excellent service HIS black employee would provide for the client. I told him, "Then why did you hire a black employee?" His eyes got big and replied with legal issues about such a thing.

"HA, then why cater to such low brain thinking? Why disrespect your employee in such a way? Matching a therapist to a client is based on availablility & modality, right?"

The conversation ended as he ho humed down the hall...

Later that afternoon the employee that lost the massage came to thank me for "sticking up for, us." I was a little confussed by this comment but said thank you with an "I think" conotation attached, although I understood her seniment and smiled. I told her that I was not "sticking up to you" but sticking up for human rights. Our service has nothing to do with our sex, religious beliefs, race, weight, hair color, etc. As a member of the human, earthling race I can't imagine why one would assume a massage would be any different based on any of the above.

Categrozing people separates us. Remember, we are all human before we are black or tall or Jewish or blonde or whatever we identify with. 

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