Living through an American Recession

Dealing with never ending life changes. Who says making lemonade is the best thing to do with those lemons life throws at you?

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Friend Finder

When I first got here the first thing I looked for was good food, I do like to eat. I realized my idea of good food was ethnic food, what the hell kind of city doesn't have a good Greek, Middle eastern or vegan restraunt? Shit... My second search was for coffee/book store hang outs for the local social-ippies. I found the typical run in and out mega coffee chain or the place only open till 2pm. WTF!! NEXT! What about local music, drama groups, hiking, fishing? The panic set in.

Although everyone here is very friendly, they have adapted to this environment which seems to take years to "fit" into. Everyone has their routine which includes work and friends they've had since grade school. Trying to break into this routine has yealded a big fat zero on my end. They keep themselves busy with crafts, tv event nights, card games, and various activities to keep from realizing this place is a 1 on the excitement scale. Which they don't seem to invite "outsiders" to.

Although my honey says I'm not trying hard enough to make friends, he's has no idea. I've given out my phone number to more people than the drunk dude in the bar. It makes you think after a while that "nobody likes me...." "Waaaah, what am in 5th grade?" Bit me I say!  City dwellers unite!

Now I know people are busy with other shit in the big city, too busy to even notice you walking down the street but at least you had a plethera of shit to do besides cards and tv. Being cooped up for 5 months with temperatures of 10 degrees outside sucks so I took up beading, painting, playing the flute, sewing, video games, reading, and soooooo on. Yeah, who am I kidding. I'm not the crafty type but it beats reality tv. Now that summer is here it's f*ing hot and humid as f*ck! Talk about zapping your energy. Shit, back to crafts.

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